Thursday, October 6, 2011

Social Media Test

For this weeks blog, I looked at the North Vancouver Recreation Commission. I chose this company because they are all about active living. The compoenent of the social media campaign that I will look at is their Facebook page. I picked this component because I have never looked at it before and I thought it would be neat to use something that I have no previous opinion on. From what I can see, there is not a lot of interaction going on between the NVRC and between its followers. If I were to be in charge of this page I would try to increase the amount of communication that goes on.

The test:

I would look at how many followers the NVRC has and compare it to how many posts/likes take place each day. I would divide up the interactions into:
  • Likes
  • Answers- posts that people have put up responding to a question asked by the NVRC
  • Questions- posts that people put up asking the NVRC about programs etc
I would then look at what type of content generates conversation not only between followers and the NVRC but between followers themselves. In order to determine what creates the most conversation I would code each post. From that data I would be able to figure out what is needed to facilitate conversations on the NVRC Facebook page.

North Van Rec Facebook Page:!/northvanrec?sk=wall

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas to test the qualitative components of what people normally analyze as quantitative facts(ex. number of interactions, likes, etc). I might suggest also adding shares to your list of interactions that you analyze. It would be interesting to look at how shares create and continue the conversations on others' pages!
