Sunday, October 23, 2011

Here is a list of my 10 favourite things that helps to keep me healthy, active and happy!

  1. Favourite form of exercise: Swimming
  2. Favourite winter sport: Skiing
  3. Favourite summer activity: Wakeboarding
  4. Favourite workout wear: I really had to think about this one. Like most Vancouverites I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lululemon, but it's too pricey. So when it comes to buying workout wear I choose one that is a much lower price and I go to Target
  5. Favourite "healthy" dessert:
  6. Favourite healthy pizza: As somone who loves pizza and needs to eat it, I usually try to eat this healthier alternative. Cauliflower Crust Pizza
  7. Favourite (funny) workout video: Take Anything You Want
  8. Favourite music video: I'm Sexy and I Know it
  9. Favourite Hike: Grouse Grind/ Bump 'n' Grind (when I am visiting my parents in California)
  10. Favouite sports body: I OBVIOUSLY had to choose the famous Ryan Kesler photo!

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