The tracking tools that I am going to use to analyze their social media are as follows:
Monitter: Yyoga has a strong presence on Twitter so I think it is important to know what people are saying about them on Twitter. The terms I will be looking for while using monitter are:
- Yyoga
- Yoga
- Yoga Vancouver
- "Lovin the new sauna wraps at the flowwelleness centre @YYoga"
- "breaky in @gastwon. Mid-day s(day 19 of my 30 challenge)@YYoga a super cute lunch stop _Bel_Cafe- shaping up to be a #perfect day
- "Woke up w a sugar hangover (seriously, Who knew?!?!). solution did Rachel Marten's 2hr Anussara class @YYoga Yaletown-hangover gone!!
Google Alerts: This will allow me to see what is being said online (outside of Twitter) about the company. It will alert me to blog posts and news articles. I will be using the same search terms for Google Alerts as I did for Monitter. I signed up for Google Alerts at the beginning of this week and here are some of the results I got.
There are obviously many more tools that I could use to analyze what is being said about YYoga online but I think this is a good starting point.